by ABC News Reports | May 5, 2016 5:45 pm
The International Crimes Research Foundation[1], a London based global research organisation has expressed their satisfaction over Matiur Rahman Nizami’s review petition verdict. ICRF sent us a press release earlier today where they mentioned that “not only is the tribunal an embodiment of righteousness and justice in the country, today it is a role model for others around the world to follow and leads by example when it comes to tackling the culture of non-justice. Even though it was established in 1971 in a bid to resolve international crimes and took nearly 39 years to come into full force, the tribunal has nonetheless has managed to prove to the civil world that it is better to start late rather than not do it at all. Perhaps that won’t change things significantly or instantly, but it is a significant step towards battling non-justice under any circumstances.”
ICRF welcomed the death penalty given by the apex court of Bangladesh as this punishment is “within the justice system of Bangladesh and they express their utmost respect to that ICRF went further saying that that they fully respect the current ideas and opinions of those in favor of death penalties and those who are not, it is their belief that each nation reserves the right to enforce capital punishment, the way its constitution permits or allows it, which after all is one of its most fundamental rights. Therefore they respect the laws and the boundaries each nation has set out for them and they are fully entitled to deliver capital punishment the way they have devised them to be.”
Though ICRF is satisfied about the standard and procedure of the ICTBD trial but they also commented that “there is still room for improvement regarding the security of ICTBD personnel as well as witness protection. ICRF thanked Bangladeshi government on that note who embarked and are successfully concluding this quest”
ICRF also mentioned that “Nizami’s verdict and subsequent upholding by the Supreme Court as well as appellate division is another giant step forward for the justice system of Bangladesh and its implications. The whole world in fact is a beneficiary of the ICTBD’s actions for the nature of international crimes is such that, they can be perceived as transgressions towards the whole of the human race in general. We hope that the ICTBD will reinvigorate and inspire justice systems around the world to jump into action.”
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